Sunday, December 19, 2010

Slow Motion Sneezing

1. “Sneezing starts from nerves,” says allergy- and asthmaspecialist Neil Kao. He says that every persons nerve system is built up most likely in a same way. Mostly nerve impulse is that what says brain that something has reached your nostrils and it has to be sneezed out.

2. Sneezing keeps your organism healthy. It’s important part of immune system, keeps us healthy and our noses open. It protects your body by cleaning your nose from bacterias and viruses.

3. Sneezes are fast, it's speed may reach up to 160 km/h.

4. Plucking your eyebrows may call in a sneeze.

5. You can’t sneeze while sleeping, because nerves which run sneezing system are sleeping too.


6. Working out may generate a sneeze. Human’s nose might start to drip and it calls in a sneeze.

7. Longest sneezeattack lasted for 978 days. This record was set by British, Donna Griffiths.

8. Sex often makes people sneeze. During sex, your nerves are very sensitive and this favors sneezing.

9. The most eager sneezer in the world is iguana.

10. How to get rid of sneezing? Hold your nose closed with your fingers and try to breather through mouth.

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